How To Increase Chances Of Having A Boy

Natural methods to increase the likelihood of you having your child to be a specific gender. Here is how to increase chances of having a boy by learning about ovulation, differences in sperm, and your diet.

Ovulation Timing For Having A Boy

When planning for your baby boy you want to have intercourse within 24 hours of ovulation, because the male sperm is the faster of the two and is the one you want to fertilize the egg.
If you do have sex before ovulation, then the less resilient male sperm may die off leaving the female X chromosome to fertilize the egg.

Difference Between Male And Female Chromosomes

The male's sperm can carry the X or Y chromosome which determine the sex of the baby. If the male's sperm is carrying more X than the Y chromosome, then the X chromosome combined with the female's X chromosome will make a baby girl (XX). If the male's sperm carries more Y chromosome combined with the female's X chromosome you will have a boy (XY).

 Food List For Conceiving A Boy

Eat more foods that contain potassium like, spinach, broccoli, bananas and brussel sprouts. You should avoid dairy products like ice-cream, yogurt, cheese, and milk. It's also believed that taking a daily supplement of evening primrose oil increases the chances of conceiving a boy.

There is no guarantee and no method is 100% foolproof. But, if you follow these natural methods on how to increase your chances of having a boy, the likelihood will be better for having a child of a specific gender.

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